

Uomo theme supports browser-cookie based simple wishlist feature for better shopping experience.

  1. Create a page where customers can browse all wishlist items. From your Shopify store admin, go to Online store -> Pages.
  2. Click on Add page from the top-right corner.
  3. Add your page title (e.g. Wishlist) and choose wishlist from page templates dropdown. Please note it won't listed there until you publish Uomo theme.

  4. Go to theme customization -> Theme settings -> Wishlist. Update your page setting.

  5. Click heart icon from the header and it will redirect to the page you set for wishlist items.
    You can customize the layout from section settings.
    In addition feel free to add additional sections like Newsletter or Service Promotion.

You can consider paid services like Growave or other apps hosted on Shopify App Store.