

Color Schemes

Color scheme is a group of commonly used colors and can be applied website-wide or for individual sections.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Click Customize next to the theme that you want to customize.
  3. Click Theme settings, and then click Colors.
  4. In the Schemes section, click an existing scheme or click Add scheme to add a new color scheme.
  5. Click the color swatch to change the following content type colors:
    Solid backgroundBackground color of sections
    Gradient backgroundGradient background color of sections
    Primary textMain text color of whole site and special sections with color options.
    Secondary textSecondary text color. e.g. subheadings
    Accent textFor strong texts. e.g. sale price
    BorderColor for borders
    Button labelButton text color
    Button borderButton border and backgrounds
    Icon backgroundBackground color of icons (header cart icon)
    Icon labelColor of icons (header cart icon)
    Prev/next icon backgroundSome sections have carousels.
    Background color of prev and next buttons where carousel sections.
    Prev/next icon labelColor of prev and next button icons.
    Default pagination dotCarousels can have pagination dots. Set background.
    Active pagination dotActive color to identify selected pagination dot.

Explore official documentation from Shopify about color schemes.

Other colors

There are some additional background and foreground color settings to manage notification, popup and badges.